Even the best website or web application is only as good as its web hosting. Five Jars guarantees highest quality standards by offering web hosting services which go beyond industry norms.
Five Jars has experienced many different web hosting providers. The success of our web solution depends not only on Five Jars but also on your web hosting provider. That is why we offer our customers web hosting services directly through Five Jars in order to guarantee that the web hosting will propel the success of your online presence rather than limiting it.
We are there for you - 24/7
Our support and service level agreements are tailored to your needs. While we guarantee a response time of no longer than one hour for any of your queries, we offer additional support services which will tailor perfectly to your business and its needs. Moreover, our web hosting is focused on Drupal solutions which means that the servers are ideally configured, caching already set up and any issue popping up quickly resolved through experienced support staff.
Environments made to accelerate your brand
Our web hosting offers a secure and intuitive environment which fosters your growth. To cater for all needs along the web development lifecycle, we provide you with the necessary web environments such as development, staging, and production. As these environments speak to different lifecycle stages, it is crucial that they are clearly separated and that they offer an intuitive user interface to avoid mistakes. Five Jars offers a web hosting solution which is designed to propel your web solutions.
A web hosting that scales with your business
The web hosting landscape is complex and choosing the right product may be difficult. No worries - we got your back covered. Five Jars proposes the most suitable solution rather than the most profitable as we believe in absolute transparency. Five Jars can offer you three distinct web hosting options to cater for your specific requirements:
The three options differentiate mainly by the level of support received. Five Jars will evaluate together with you which technical know-how is available within your organization and which model is the most suitable for you.
Guaranteed uptime
Downtime means a potential loss of revenue. That is why Five Jars has created an infrastructure which by design reduces the downtime possibility to the absolute minimum. While we cannot guarantee an uptime of 100%, we do guarantee that at least 99.90% of the time your services will be accessible and ready to handle your website traffic. Need a higher uptime guarantee? No problem at all as we can individually guarantee for up to 99.99% uptime. Let us know your requirements and we’ll provide a tailored solution to cater for your needs.
Our partners

Our web hosting services
Eager to know more details about the Five Jars web hosting services? These include:
Any specific requirements? Get in touch with us and we’ll find the optimal solution together with you. Analysing your requirements is the first step - and one we offer for free through our initial consultation session. Together ahead.
Hosting Case Studies
George Washington’s Mount Vernon
Since 2018 we’ve been partnering with the team at George Washington's Mount Vernon to continuously innovate their online presence. We started our collaboration by completely overhauling their ticketing system, revamping the video portal from the ground up, and executing a major migration of their content-rich website. As their trusted Drupal expert
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington
Catholic Charities D.C., the biggest independent social services agency in the Washington D.C. region, delivers essential services to those in need. The organization needed a significant overhaul of its website to address various issues related to design consistency, usability, and a functionally limited admin panel. With our assistance, the team
The YMCA360 product ecosystem helps Y-members of all ages and skill levels profoundly impact their health and reach their wellness goals anywhere at any time. In close collaboration with the client, Five Jars expanded the capabilities of the CMS behind the platform. We built and further developed functionality for the on-demand video library and
Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox
The team at Sterne Kessler initiated a website revamp long ago but couldn't find a reliable partner that would help bring this idea to reality. They turned to Five Jars to improve the user experience on the website, add visual refreshments and consistency to the design strategy, and finally launch the project. We ensured the new site version was
Montana University NSF EPSCoR
The core mission behind Montana NSF EPSCoR is to impact the capacity and competitiveness of science and engineering research across the Montana University System. To successfully move toward its goals and engage multiple audiences online, the organization needed both a visual website refresh and an update to the underlying CMS. Five Jars
YMCA of Pierce and Kitsap Counties
Five Jars was hired to help YMCA of Pierce and Kitsap Counties achieve this mission online – through an overhaul of their website and by integrating sophisticated, new functions.
Let's connect
Get a stunning website, integrate with your tools,
measure, optimize and focus on success!