Introduction to the Migrate API in Drupal 8/9

Oct 25, 2021
By Vlad

To migrate a website to Drupal 8 or 9 from earlier Drupal versions or even from another CMS, such as WordPress, you might consider using Drupal migration services. In this article, we want to review the Migrate API and describe its powerful features.

What is Drupal Migrate API?

Migration means extracting data from a certain source and using it to automatically create different components of your site. The Migrate API is a flexible and robust system that provides services for migrating data from various sources to Drupal 8 (or later). It makes it easier to import data from different locations and store them in Drupal. In fact, this API is a full-blown extract, transform, and load (ETL) framework.


Every migration is an ETL process, where:

  • Source is the extract phase
  • Process is the transform phase
  • Destination is the load phase.

The process can be depicted like that:

Every migration is defined as a Migration plugin

Migrate ETL process.


Possible data sources

Drupal Migrate API is a powerful tool that doesn't restrict you to one or another source of data. In fact, Migrate API allows extracting data from any possible source. These are only several examples:

  • Earlier versions of Drupal
  • XML documents
  • SOAP feeds
  • JSON
  • CSV
  • WordPress and other CMSs

Source plugins are the tools that provide the framework with information about extracting data from different data stores.

Source plugins in Drupal

Migrate source plugins


Typical source plugin configuration may look like this:

  plugin: csv
  path: 'private://import/3rd_party_users_data.csv'
  delimiter: ','
  enclosure: '”'
  track_changes: true
  ids: [member_id]
      name: member_id
      label: 'Member ID'
      name: first_name
      label: 'Member First Name'
      name: primary
      label: 'Primary Member'
      name: email
      label: 'Member Email'

If you didn’t find a way to import data from your storage, you could write a custom source plugin. To do so:

  1. Place in src/Plugin/migrate/source
  2. You can extend SourcePluginBase, SqlBase or implement MigrateSourceInterface

Here’s an example:

* @MigrateSource(
*   id = "csv",
*   source_module = "migrate_source_csv"
* )

class CSV extends SourcePluginBase implements ConfigurableInterface {

  public function initializeIterator() {}

  public function getIds() {}

  public function fields() {}



Migrate process plugins

Process plugins play a leading role in the migration as it’s thanks to them the source data is converted into the needed format. During the migration, process plugins may parse images from text or import data behind HTTP authentication. These are only two examples, and here’s the list of process plugins:

Migrate Source plugins

Migrate process plugins

Process plugins support plugins chaining. Where can this feature be used? For instance, we know that the data obtained are capital characters and stored in two columns. To start every word with a capital letter and put them in a text format in one field, we do the following:

      plugin: concat
        - first_name
        - last_name
      delimiter: ' '
      plugin: callback
      callable: mb_strtolower
      plugin: callback
      callable: ucwords

You can create a custom process plugin. To do so:

  1. Place in src/Plugin/migrate/process

  2. You can extend ProcessPluginBase, some other plugin, or implement MigrateProcessInterface
* @MigrateProcessPlugin(
*   id = "array_build",
*   handle_multiples = TRUE
* )

class ArrayBuild extends ProcessPluginBase {

  public function transform($value, MigrateExecutableInterface $migrate_executable, Row $row, $destination_property) {}

  public function multiple() {}



Migrate destination plugins

Destination plugins specify what kinds of Drupal entities are created. The destination entity type is typically defined as entity:entity_type.

Migrate Destination Plugins

Migrate destination plugins

To create a custom destination plugin:

  1. Place in src/Plugin/migrate/destination
  2. You can extend DestinationBase, Entity, Config, or implement MigrateDestinationInterface
* @MigrateDestination(
*   id = "my_custom_user"
* )

class MyCustomUser extends EntityUser {

  public static function getEntityTypeId($plugin_id) {}

  protected function getEntityId(Row $row) {}

  protected function getEntity(Row $row, array $old_destination_id_values) {}

  public function rollback(array $destination_identifier) {}



Perform a Drupal Migration

Now that we understand how main plugins work, let’s go through the steps needed to perform a migration.


1. Write the migration definition.

How and where you’re going to do the migration definition depends on how you’re going to execute the migration. To write the migration definition, you can:

  • prepare configuration in YAML format:
    • select one source;
    • select several process plugins;
    • select one destination.
Migration definition file.
Migration definition file.
  • place it in the migrations folder inside of a custom module
  • or import migrations’ configs (Migrate Tools).

Here’s an example of the migration definition:

id: create_pages
label: 'Pages create migration'
  plugin: embedded_data
      unique_id: 1
      creative_title: 'Page 1'
      engaging_content: 'This page will describe some things'
      unique_id: 2
      creative_title: 'Page 2'
      engaging_content: 'This page will describe some other things'
      type: integer
  title: creative_title
  body: engaging_content
  plugin: 'entity:node'
  default_bundle: page


2. Execute the migration

There’re a lot of ways to execute the migration, for example:

  • using drush commands (drush 10.4 / Migrate Tools)
  • using UI (Migrate Tools)
  • other options (Migrate Run, Migrate Scheduler, etc.)


Typical Migration Workflow

So, you prepared everything and are ready to execute the migration. Here’s how the workflow may look:

  1. Run the migration.
    $ drush migrate:import create_pages
  2. Rollback migration if you did not obtain the expected results.
    $ drush migrate:rollback create_pages
  3. Change the migration definition file.
  4. Rebuild caches for changes to be picked up.
    $ drush cache:rebuild
  5. Run the migration again
    $ drush migrate:import create_pages

If you encountered more complex errors, you can also:

  • Stop the migration.
    $ drush migrate:stop create_pages
  • Reset the status to idle.
    $ drush migrate:reset-status create_pages
  • Rebuild caches for changes to be picked up.
    $ drush cache:rebuild



We went through the main features of a very flexible and powerful Drupal Migrate API and saw several examples of migration execution. There may be countless migration scenarios, and this API covers different variations with a wide range of complexity. Every migration process will be highly site-specific. Contact us via email if you want to discuss the Drupal Migrate API or need any help with migration. You also can dive deeper into Drupal by reading our blog.


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Front-end developer with 15 years of experience. Vladyslav is experienced with Drupal development, and he cultivates his front-end skills experimenting with Vue.Js, Angular and other popular frameworks.


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