Offer online exercise with Open Y website and YMCA 360 is the first-ever national YMCA member platform. The free platform was launched a few weeks ago by YMCA 360 founders and the Five Jars team and had a tremendous success. We want to share a simple guide on how you can offer online exercise by creating an Open Y page to improve members' retention during COVID-19 pandemic.
Below you can find a simple landing page that uses three Open Y components: Banner, Simple Content, and Grid Columns. The page user Open Y Carnation template, but you can build it in any other template, like Rose or Lily.
The main idea of the page is to grab links from and use them on your website. Also, you can use those links in the main navigation and on the program-specific pages to navigate people to the online content. Here are elements that you see the page:
- Link to the Online Exercise page on Open Y website
- Link to website
- Embedded YMCA 360 promo video
- Link to New Releases page
- Link to Yoga page
- Link to Bootcamp page
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